Scilab and ScicosLab are Open Source Math Programs that can be used in various engineering and scientific applications. I use ScicosLab with the Modnum tool box in all my Telecommunications work, but both Scilab/ScicosLab can be used for all the mathematics involved in my CelNav EBook. In a previous post (Ref.1) I introduced the programs and working with the console & editor functions. In this post I will look at structures. I use structures to import signals created in the Editor/Console into the Scicos visual block editor.
Structures have two components: Values & Time. I use structures to create various telecom modem signals in the Editor/Console and then import them into Scicos the visual block editor. In Figure 1 we create a simple cosine wave and define a structure V whose values are the values of the wave and whose time are the time values. Note that the structure V needs the values to be in columns, so we use the command t=t’ to change a row vector to a column vector. Figure 2 shows importing the structure V into Scicos.
Please send your comments, questions and suggestions to:
#1. “Scilab & Scicoslab – Open-Source Math for CelNav”
#2. “Scilab & Scicoslab – Open Source Math for the Plane Triangle”
#3. “Scilab & Scicoslab – Open Source Math for the Spherical Triangle”
#4. “Scilab & Scicoslab – HF Loop Bearing”
#5. “ScicosLab & Scicos – AM Modulator”
#6. “Scilab & ScicosLab – Graphs”
#7. Scilab Open Source Software
#8. ScicosLab Open Source Software
#9. ScicosLab with Modnum Toolbox