Balcony ATSC HD Television

UHF Rx Spectrum

For some time I have wanted to see how many television channels I could receive from the CN Tower in Toronto. I can clearly see the TV antenna at the top of the tower from my apartment balcony, although it is boxed in on both sides by buildings. The 7.6Km Google Earth path is shown below.

I used a simple Yagi antenna and mounted it on a wooden dowel combination to easily allow it be rotated and temporarily but securely attached to the apartment balcony railing.


I placed my TV in scan mode to see what it would pickup. I was amazed to find that I detected 24 channels listed in the spread sheet below:


I also scanned from 400MHz to 800MHz with my spectrum analyzer to see what I would detect:

A close up on the strongest signal at 536.3MHz shows the following spectrum with carrier level at -60dBm and spectrum at -73dBm:

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