Toronto Henge


Ancient Druidic wisdom has it that the Sun will set exactly West in Toronto on October 24th_2021 at 18:19EST (Ref.1). Since the downtown streets are laid out East/West, then the sun should be aligned between the buildings on either side as it sets. I decided to test this out on a local avenue at the intersection of Duplex & Eglinton Avenues.

Eglinton/Duplex Avenues

Fig.1 Intersection Eglinton & Duplex Avenues Toronto
Fig.2 Azimuth of Eglinton Avenue from Intersection Eg/Dplx =254deg
Fig.3 NavAlgos Star Chart for Oct 24th 22:14GMT
Fig.4 Nautical Almanac Sunday Oct 24th_2021 Sun & Moon
FIg.5 SunGP to AP Sun Oct24th_18:14EST

Figure 1 shows the intersection of Eglinton & Duplex Avenues taken from Google Earth.

Latitude = 43deg 42.38min N
Longitude = 79deg 24.02min W

Using the Google Earth Ruler tool, an azimuth drawn along Eglinton shows the the Avenue is approx. 74/254deg vs. not quite East/West at 90deg/270deg as shown in Figure 2. NavAlgos can be used to show the Azimuth/Altitude for Stars & Planets at our Lat/Long and Date/Time. At 18:14EST the Sun is at 253deg and is just on the horizon. At 18:15EST the Sun is not visible.

We can double check using the Nautical Almanac & Google Earth. Figure 4 shows the GHA & DEC for the Sun & Moon on Oct 24th_2021:

GHA @ 22:14GMT=153deg 58.5min + 14/60*15deg = 157deg 28.5min
DEC @ 22:14GMT = 12deg 4.0min S + 14/60*0.9min = 12deg 4.2min

Figure 5 shows the Google Earth Azimuth between the SunGP and the AP which is 253deg.


Fig.6 Sun at 17:45 at about Azimuth 248deg
Fig.7 Sun at 17:45EST Az = 248deg NavAlgos Check
Fig.8 YouTube Video Toronto Henge

Figure 6 shows the Sun viewed from Eglinton/Duplex at 17:45hrs. It is about 5deg South of 253deg at about 248deg. Unfortunately at 18:14EST, the Sun was hidden behind the clouds, but it was in the right place at 17:45EST. This can be checked by NavAlgos as shown in Figure 7.

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#1. – “The Weather Network – Toronto”

#2. – “Navigational Algorithms”

Categorized as Navigation

By Jeremy Clark

Jeremy Clark is a Senior Telecommunications Engineer and Advanced Amateur Radio Operator VE3PKC. He is the author of E-Books on Telecommunications, Navigation & Electronics.