Maiden – Whitbread Round The World Race 1989


Just saw Alex Holmes’ s documentary “Maiden” at the Toronto International Film Festival. It’s about Tracy Edwards all female crew that sailed around the world in the Whtibread 1989 race. It follows Tracy’s early life and the various steps leading up to the race. An incredible study of courage, persistence and bravery in the face… Continue reading Maiden – Whitbread Round The World Race 1989

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Norfolk to Lord Howe Island Great Circle Distance

Norfolk to Lordhowe

On March 31st 1931, Sir Francis Chichester left the Northern Tip of New Zealand on an East to West flight across the Tasman sea. He stopped to refuel at Norfolk Island and Lord Howe Island. Let’s determine the great circle distance and bearings that his Gypsy Moth float plane Madam Elijah ZK-AKK had to fly… Continue reading Norfolk to Lord Howe Island Great Circle Distance

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Intercept at Trillium Park Lat = 43.6296degN Long = 79.4095degW

Trillium Park Toronto Waterfront

“I must go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky, And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by;” from Sea Fever by John Masefield Currently I am calibrating my 3 sextants from several known locations in Toronto. One requires a water horizon and… Continue reading Intercept at Trillium Park Lat = 43.6296degN Long = 79.4095degW

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